Get to know SAP Business One Hana and its advantages


In building small and medium companies certainly not easy. In order for the company to continue to develop, new innovations must be carried out. One innovation that can be considered is the use of SAP. No need to worry because, at this time, there are types of SAP that are suitable for small and medium companies. Immediately, let’s get to know SAP Business One Hana, SAP is right for small and medium companies.

Definition of SAP and SAP Business One

Before getting to know SAP Business one, let’s get to know SAP first. SAP stands for Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung. In English, it can be translated into Systems, Applications and Products in the data processing.

SAP is one of the software in enterprise resource planning or better known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). ERP is the name of an integrated system that functions to support the company’s operational activities in order to work effectively in achieving company targets.

Read also: Understanding and Using SAP Software for Companies

After getting to know SAP and ERP, then let’s get to know what SAP Business One is, which is a business management software or ERP specifically made for small and medium businesses. The ultimate goal is of course to automate various company activities. As in the fields of finance, analysis and business intelligence, sales and business opportunities, project management, purchasing and supply chains to production planning and inventory control.

SAP Business One Function

This SAP business one has various functions. All of them are very supportive of the company to facilitate its business activities. The functions include financial management, sales and customer management, and business intelligence.
Following is an explanation of the functions of SAP Business One, including:

1. Financial Management

Activities included in financial management that will be automated by SAP Business One include financial reporting and analysis, accounting, controlling, fixed asset management, and banking and reconciliation. In addition, SAP financial management helps companies in making the right decisions relating to financial operations.

2. Sales and Customer Management

Activities included in sales and customer management include starting from sales and opportunity management to mobile sales. With SAP Business One everything can be done automatically. So it’s faster and the results are more precise.

3. Business Intelligence

The next function is business intelligence. The point is that SAP Business One will help companies make and compile reports precisely and quickly. Also included are visualization of data, interactive analysis, and others.

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Get to know SAP HANA and SAP Business One Hana

SAP Hana is an in-memory computing tool which is designed to support real-time analytic and transactional process activities. SAP Business One with HANA can reduce the complexity and unnecessary business costs found in old IT devices. This will certainly make a company’s business run more efficiently, faster and even simpler.

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The advantages of SAP Business One by SAP Hana

Many advantages can be obtained, especially for small and medium-sized companies when using SAP Business one by SAP Hana. Among them are easy data access, security that can reach the level of ongoing availability, database services, process analysis and application development. What is meant by database services is that SAP Hana can be handled by a multitenant database whose storage is dynamic? Where in managing and performing database maintenance where every day, of course, it will get bigger. So the need for a multitenant whose storage is dynamic to accommodate this database.

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The next advantage is application development. The point is that SAP can provide customization in accordance with the uniqueness of each user with the right data and time. Then it can be combined with analytics, cross-device and data transaction technology so that performance can be maximized.

After getting acquainted with SAP Business one Hana, which is right for small and medium companies, are you interested? So what are you waiting for immediately use SAP Business One by SAP Hana through the Sterling team? The Sterling team is a trusted SAP consultant and is even one of the SAP Golden partners in Indonesia.

SAP Business One Indonesia